My journey has been an eclectic mosaic of roles: educator, non-profit director, cafe owner, chef, film producer, and more. Each role is a unique contribution to my vibrant life journey.

Discovering my passion for art came unexpectedly during a challenging time. What began as a private outlet – drawing to express my innermost feelings – blossomed into something more when friends stumbled upon my secret Instagram account, @HeyGeezus39. Their encouragement and sharing turned my private expressions into public admiration.

Diving headfirst into the world of creativity, I’ve embraced every opportunity with open arms. This path, however, hasn’t been without its challenges, especially navigating the creative realm with ADHD. Yet, every stumble has been a stepping stone, every mistake a lesson. Through illustration and drawing, I found my sanctuary, my saving grace.

HeyGeezus ART

This journey has been nothing short of transformative. ‘Art saved my life’ isn’t just a phrase; it’s my reality. It gave me a voice when I was at a loss for words and shone a light into my life during the darkest times. Each line I draw is a step towards healing and understanding, a way to share my story with others.

As my work gained exposure, new doors opened. I started designing album covers for musicians, creating personalized table settings and phone covers, and even working with nonprofits and various events. My art became a way to connect with others, celebrate, and give back.

Now more people discover my work, I’m excited to see where this creative path leads. I dream of taking my art around the world, hosting shows, and continuing to share my journey through the strokes of my pen. My story is still being written, and each piece of art is a new chapter waiting to be shared.

Join me as I embark on this adventure, and let’s see together where the power of art and connection can take us.

Interested in hiring me? Please don’t hesitate reaching out.
